Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rachel Underground

Whiteboard2007 felt a bit....dated. So, welcome to version two- Rachel Underground- which is the closest title I was happy with that was still available on blogspot. All my posts are being imported to this blog, so feel free to ignore the grand old whiteboard.

Here's what you have to look forward to from here on out:

- More posts! There were dozens of draft entries on Whiteboard that I never published because I didn't think they were 'good enough', whatever that means. The idea here is to stop overthinking before publishing. The result? More good posts! and More bad posts!

- Some way to subscribe, (still trying to figure that out) so you will no longer have to eagerly check back on the site every day, only to find that the last post was from a month ago. Because I know that's how you spend your time.

Stick around.....

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