Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's ten o'clock, do you know......

I can't be held responsible for anything I write after 10pm. My ability to reason, filter and make wise decisions fades and then drops off after that hour. At 9:59 I'm fine, but one minute later becomes "It's 10 o'clock, do you know where my brain is?" time. It happens when I interact with the real world as well, but for some reason, it's more pronounced on a keyboard. My equivalent of drunk dialing maybe? Spellcheck becomes more important because I start typing words like oclock' and equivilent. In the past I've written manifestos on the hypocricy of green celebrities, philosophy on why the new flooring in one of the #3 trains puts me in a good mood and grand schemes to build an entirely new NYC social services system. Then I've re-read the entries in the daylight and find them a bit too out-there, or personal or just plain too non-sensical to post. Prime example- I started this entry 20 minutes ago to write about guarana and I just got lost... But it's going up anyway.

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