Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Whiteboard 2007

Living in the dorms back in college, before texting, sidekicks, ubiquity of cell phones..., we had whiteboards on our doors and dry-erase markers dangling (and frequently stolen) for all our pals to leave crucial messages for us-
"Dining hall at 7:00", "Where are you?????", "Thanks for last night."
And we would leave messages on our own boards informing the world of our whereabouts-
"Napping till 4", "At the gym", "In the shower," knowing (hoping) that everyone in the universe cared and was at that very moment trying to track us down. Our hearts might sink just a tiny bit if we returned from orgo or macro to an empty board.
But we graduated and the physical display of relative popularity disappeared. Sigh of relief. Maturity and the "real world", even grad school, made us less reliant on external validation and the "look at me! I need attention!" drive began to fade.
Enter blogs, enter myspace, enter facebook.
We're all in the dorm now.
The whiteboard is back.

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